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Dealing With Waste
Dealing With Waste

EnviroPro:Best in odour and waste treatment & composting toilets

Dealing with toilet waste has been an ongoing problem for campers and caravanners for many years. Odour issues, the amount of water needing to be carried to flush and the constant search for dump-points are just some of the problems. The Nature’s Head & OGO helps deal with all these issues, there is no odour and they do not use water. With two people using the toilet, it will be up to six weeks before the solids bin needs emptying. Then it will be emptied into a compostable bag and placed in a rubbish or compost bin or just buried. The stylish OGO has all the benefits of the Nature’s Head but because of its smaller size it only has about half the capacity. The OGO agitator uses a small motor to turn automatically for two minutes after each use, and there is a sensor to indicate the urine high level.

Dealing With Waste
Dealing With Waste

EnviroPro’s waterless composting toilets enable you to have a hassle-free holiday, with the least amount of impact on the environment. They are simple to install, easy to use and odourless. Just imagine a holiday without having to visit a dump-point. The first of their kind in Australia, the Nature’s Head self-contained composting toilet is taking the market by storm, and the Ogo is the smallest toilet available with a fully automated agitator.

Our aim is to help you reduce your footprint on the planet by using 100% environmentally friendly products. We’ll help you achieve this with waste and wastewater treatment products, composting solutions, odour eliminators and water-less composting toilets.
Click here for EnviroPro Website


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